Confession: Other than textbooks, I haven't actually read an entire book in almost seven years.
Yikes! That confession is terribly embarrassing when I read it aloud. It's true, though. I have read thousands of newspapers cover to cover and devoted hundreds of hours to magazine articles, textbooks and blogs in the last seven years, but finish an entire book just for the fun of it I have not.
It occurred to me about a month ago that this is a bit ridiculous. I guess amidst two jobs, cleaning, cooking and socializing, finding time to read was just not a priority. So I decided to meet myself halfway and try audio books. I've been in the car an hour and a half each day commuting for work, and I've already finished four books in a little over a month. Not bad considering my previous reading stats!
February is widely celebrated as "I Love to Read" month. What books have you read lately that you loved? I'm always curious to know what genres people like to follow. Here are some quick reviews of the books I've "read" via audio.
"Apologize, Apologize" by Elizabeth Kelly
My Rating: 3 out of 5. I loved the first half of the book - intricately descriptive and pithy. The second half really started to drag on, though, and was just kind of depressing.
"Mennonite in a Little Black Dress" by Rhoda Janzen
My Rating: 4 out of 5. If you live anywhere near a Mennonite community (as I do), you can completely relate to this memoir. I loved the sarcastic truths about religion and life in general, but the end kind of left me hanging.
"Firefly Lane" by Kristin Hannah
My Rating 4.5 out of 5. This book had me laughing out loud, glaring out the windshield in disgust and bawling by the end. Many of the underlying themes are relatable, and the story was always progressing.
"Ask Again Later" by Jill Davis
My Rating: 2 out of 5. For the longest time the story was going no where, and I wanted to tell the main character to just get over herself. It was a little too neurotic for me, and though the end was touching, it took forever to get there.